You’ve heard of the “terrible two’s” or you have probably experienced first hand how tiring it is as a parent, but it’s also tiring for your toddler.

This is the age, at which children learn the skill called “self-regulation”, as they shift from needing full caregiver support to developing a sense of confidence and independence within themselves.
Self-regulation is a learned skill, best described as the ability to calm, settle, focus, inhibit and motivate. It is a necessity for the emotional health and wellbeing of your child, long-term.
Poor self-regulation may be externalized and can appear as tantrums, fighting, hitting, clenching fists, crying, spitting and throwing themselves on the ground; or can be internalized and you may notice or sense that your child is sad, worried, anxious, withdraws from social activities or has anxiety.
What some don’t know, is that self-regulation is also a strong predictor of their abilities later on in school, as it is dependent on their ability to carry out tasks (e.g. reading, writing, problem-solving etc.) independently. Poor self-regulation can delay a child’s ability to attend and focus in class, and can challenge the relationship between the child and educator.
The neurology of self-regulation comes from the pre-frontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and emotional behaviours. Self-regulating centres are directly linked to other important areas such as: sensory processing, attention, language and social skills. The ability to self-regulate is linked to the ability to regulate and deal with stress levels effectively later on in life, as adults too. Therefore, it is important to get it right from the start!
How can Chiropractic help?
Chiropractors that specialize in children care and neurology, focus on specific gentle chiropractic techniques and prescribed exercises to stimulate these areas of the brain and promote good self-regulation, and decrease emotional distresses in children.
Chiropractic care for children is safe and gentle, and in emotionally distressed children, the techniques I use to help them include:
NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique)
Cranial balancing therapy
Spinal mobilisations and adjustments
Home exercises
Nutritional support
Home exercises prescribed are for both parents and children to engage in together, producing an overall calming affect on the entire family.
If you have any questions, please contact me on